Dao of Magic [02] The Dao of Magic 2 by Andries Louws

Dao of Magic [02] The Dao of Magic 2 by Andries Louws

Author:Andries Louws [Louws, Andries]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2019-01-16T06:00:00+00:00


A small group of robe-clad men and woman carefully thread across a slippery surface. The robes are of all kinds of colours in differing hues and levels of colour brightness. One man dressed in dark brown robes has a very confused look on his face as he carefully walks across the slippery black surface of the massive dungeon sphere.

He opens his mouth now and then but doesn’t make a sound. Trudging along after the silent and rain-soaked group, his mouth starts moving in silence. Unheard by the collection of mages, he starts complaining silently.

‘Why in all the dungeons do I have to follow this bunch? Why are none of the current powerhouses here? All I see is patrol duty mages. And why do I have to follow this bunch while it is raining? The smiling immortal is not to be disturbed; all the legends say.’

This complaining figure is Valerius. His supervisor had commanded him to follow sometime after the emergency meeting ended, but that command was the only thing he had said to him. He had waited in silence throughout the night inside one of the higher-ranked resting areas.

Sure, the furniture was comfortable, and the room was as gaudy as ever, but that did not mean that Valerius felt comfortable with sleeping under the nose of his boss. The boss who never really bothered him otherwise. A pit formed in his stomach through the long hours of waiting. Combined with the lack of sleep, the mage was feeling pretty miserable when the morning came.

More mages gathered, the only communication happening were loaded glances. Then they started walking through a network of tunnels he had never even heard of. They ended up on top of the dungeon and started walking towards the very top. Towards where the smiling immortal was waiting still.

Valerius recognises some of them. A woman of the air affinity that he had fancied for a while and a reticent fire mage that he had shared a table with during dinner a few times. The rest all unknown. It took him longer than he would like to admit to recognizing the single aspect they all have in common. An apparent lack of power.

Half of the group has the robe brightness of journey mages, the highest power level coming along belonging to a full mage. Pondering about why a meeting with a legendary figure such as the smiling immortal is being done by such low power magic users, Valerius trudges on across the gently sloped surface of the dungeon.

‘Tonn Vink is on dungeon duty, why is he not here? He is the highest power earth user. It just doesn’t make any sense. And we should leave the silently smiling immortal alone, right? That figure is always present when great shifts happen in the world’s history. And the announcement also mentioned Flight? What do the dragons have to do with anything?’

Resisting the urge to tear his hair from his head, he just puts one foot after the other.

“Valerius, stop talking to yourself.


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